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Receive SMS for TikTok

Rather than using your own number to receive SMS verification for TikTok, which can compromise your privacy and anonymity, you can use any of AnonymSMS’s numbers from across the world, all for absolutely free! Go on to the site and choose your number today.

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United Kingdom

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1 Week ago

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United Kingdom

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3 Days ago

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United Kingdom

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2 Weeks ago

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United States

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23 Hours ago

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1 Month ago



6 Months ago

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How Do I Receive SMS for TikTok On AnonymSMS?

The steps to receive SMS for TikTok on AnonymSMS couldn’t be simpler! All you need is an internet connection, nothing more. Then, follow the below steps:

  • Go onto the AnonymSMS website
  • Scroll down the page until you reach the country-code you wish to receive your SMS to (choose from Georgia, the US, the UK or Ukraine)
  • From this sub-category, select the specific number that you want to use
  • Check the number is active by double clicking on it
  • You’re ready to use the number! Simply input it into TikTok when it asks you for your number
  • Wait up to a minute for your SMS to be received (you may need to refresh the page)
  • Your SMS will appear on the website under that number and will be accessible for 24 hours

It really is that quick and easy! Nothing to pay, no need to register. The process can be completed in as little as 2 minutes! Choose any number you want today.

It’s Totally Free!

Unlike a lot of our competitors, it is absolutely free to use AnonymSMS. With no catches or unpleasant surprises at the end, you can be sure that you’ll never have to enter any of your bank details to use any of our numbers. A lot of other sites offer free trials – meaning you can only use the service for free for a limited amount of time – or sometimes do have free numbers to use, but they’re overused and face burnout, meaning you may have to wait quite a long time for your SMS to be received, and in some cases, it doesn’t get received at all. 

How Often Are New Numbers Added To AnonymSMS?

In order for our numbers to never have too many messages received to it and consequently facing burnout, we make sure we add new numbers on a daily basis. This means that whenever you decide to use our service, you’ll be able to do so on a number that takes seconds for SMS to be received. It also means that if you were to use AnonymSMS everyday, you’d be able to do so on a new number each and every time!

Why Do People Choose To Use Temporary Number for TikTok Online?

Choosing temporary number for TikTok as opposed to on your personal number is hugely advantageous. This is because, as soon as you enter your personal number, it will be stored and used in case of any promotions or offers that TikTok – and sometimes third party companies – think you may be interested in. This can come in the form of calls and texts, and can be a major annoyance. 

Secondly, it’s beneficial to your digital privacy. Each and every time you use your personal number to sign up to a new app or online service, your number essentially acts as the link between all of them. This means that you can be monitored and leaves you open to potential scamming or fraud. Using AnonymSMS to receive SMS for TikTok takes away the above two risks entirely.

Choose From Numbers From Around The World

You don’t always need to receive an SMS on the country-code of the country you’re in. Perhaps you’re living abroad or having to work in another country, or perhaps you want to open a TikTok account in a different country to the one you’re in. Whatever the reason, with AnonymSMS you have the freedom to choose. Maybe you want to open a British TikTok account but are in the US. Easy. Simply select an American number and you’re good to go. 

Why You Need To Receive SMS from TikTok

TikTok, like every other app, requires a verification code to be entered in order for you to register. This acts as an extra level of authenticity for your account and ensures you are not a ‘robot’. In order to receive this code, you will need to provide them with a mobile or cell number. Without doing this, you will be able to authenticate and subsequently register. 

No Mobile Signal, No Problem!

Due to the fact that SMSs are received on our website over the internet, you’ll never have to worry about mobile signal strength in order to receive SMS for TikTok! All you’ll need is a basic internet connection. 

🔷 Min time to receive SMS 4 seconds
🔷 Price of received SMS $0
🔷 New numbers added Everyday
🔷 Max SMS number 88920